
What’s it all about?

Alanta is a comedian, science communicator and story teller from Melbourne. With a background in international public health, her first solo science comedy show 'Parasites Lost' sold out its entire run at Melbourne International Comedy Festival in 2017 and has been enjoyed by audiences in Adelaide, Perth, Sydney and for the Gates Foundation in Seattle. Her second solo show 'Days of our Hives' about bee keeping and bee losing attracted more bee keepers than any other show at comedy festival.

She's toured nationally with her science comedy debate series 'Sci Fight', was a recipient of the Inspiring Australia Science Arts Grant in 2019, and is a regular guest on ABC radio. She's appeared on ABC TV News and in Frankie Magazine. She also moderates for the Transitions Film Festival and recently was a guest reporter on ABC’s TV’s new show WTFAQ.

Alanta is available as an MC, panelist, moderator, nerdy trivia host, facilitator or general fool. She loves talking all things bees, parasites, poo and the state of the planet.