Videos and audio

ABC News Breakfast

On April 3 I had the pleasure of joining ABC weatherman Nate Byrne on ABC News Breakfast to talk about how Chat GPT4 is very bad at Wordle, and why.

The Pop Test science comedy quiz podcast - Marie Curie

Science asks big questions but only The Pop Test answers them in a comedy quiz format. Andy Matthews and Alasdair Tremblay Birchall ask some frankly impossible questions. It's up to a panel of scientists and comedians to give their funniest or most enlightening answer for Team Science.

What convinced the Nobel judges to give her the first Nobel Prize? What's a little curie? What did she hoard in her youthful life of crime?

It's time to laboriously stir our mix of pitchblende to find the uranium of truth.

Featuring comedians Vidya Rajan, Alanta Colley and writer Laura Elvery

Sci Fight Science Comedy Debate with Science Gallery Melbourne

The gap between the capabilities of a human brain and a computer is narrowing day by day. So we have to wonder... is it time to join forces? Maybe uploading our thoughts and memories to the cloud would save us time, money, and safeguard us for the future. It's time to enter the ring for SCI FIGHT with Alanta Colley.

Speakers included: Dr Linden Ashcroft: Lecturer in Science Communication and Climatology, Uni of Melbourne. Dr Wade Kelly: Nerd Nite Melbourne Boss and research engagement proselytiser. Louisa Fitzhardinge: award-nominated actor, comedian, and grammar nerd. Angus Gordon: Comedian; Winner of the Best Newcomer at the MICFl 2017. Rosa Zwier: Scienceworks presenter and mathematical art enthusiast. Matthew Coffey: Mediator at Science Gallery Melbourne, science student, and all-around nerd.

- More about Science Gallery Melbourne


Dr Karl interview

I was delighted to be a guest on Dr Karl’s podcast ‘Shirtloads of Science’. Dr Alice Motion, Dr Karl and I chatted parasites, bees and all things in between. Given Dr Karl helped invent the selfie we celebrated by taking one.

Sci Fight podcast

Alanta is host of Sci Fight Science Comedy Debate. Sci Fight Science Comedy Debate is a quarterly event which brings together scientists, comedians and other folk to debate serious issues in a silly manner. It’s now also a podcast you can listen to on Spotify so you don’t even have to get out of your jammy jams to hear it!

Massive thank you to Mark Spencer at Here Media studios for recording.

ABC Radio Drawing Room with Jonathan Green 

The Sydney Science Festival is back for a fifth year coinciding with National Science Week, the 13-day program investigates how science informs and intersects with the contemporary issues we face every day.

From climate change and oceanic pollution, how to halt aging to the future of space travel, the Festival asks, "how is science influencing the future?"

Urban beekeeper and comedian Alanta Colley chats with Jonathan Green.

DomKrapski Photo

The Laborastory: On Marie Stopes

The Laborastory is a storytelling night where scientists tell the tale of their science hero. Alanta tells the complex history of the woman who brought family planning to the UK; Marie Stopes.


Interview in Frankie Magazine

Leta Keens captured my origin story in a lovely interview in Frankie magazine.